Nokia 2600 RH-59 BI
No IMEI 358808004415711
No Telp :
HP Nokia jadul 2600 rh-59 dibawa ke counter untuk di BI.
Untuk memasukkan file BI ini saya lakukan flashing menngunakan JAF.versi HP 6.41 sebenarnya untuk ganti bahasa cukup masukkan file ppm saja,tapi karena saya tidak punya versi ini jadi sekalian saya upgrade ke versi 6.42 BI.
Proses sukses dengan biaya service 10.000 rupiah.
Berikut proses flashing :
Getting MCU ID
MCU ID: 0x2201
FLASH ID0: 2A7E0001 <=> SPANSION -> Type not in database Addr0: 0x01000000 - 0x01FFFFFF, SectorSize0: 10
FLASH ID1: 00010000 <=> Flash -> not used Addr1: 0x02000000 - 0x02FFFFFF, SectorSize1: 0
First 16 bytes: AD 7E B6 1A 1B BE 0B E2 7D 58 6B E4 DB EE 65 14
Checking RAM for ALGO...
Algo is ready...
Checking FAID calculation...
P-key nokia module version 01.02
Phone Restarted...
MCU Flash file: NONE
PPM Flash file: NONE
CNT Flash file: NONE
ADSP Flash file: NONE
APE Variant file: NONE
APE User Flash file: NONE
Switching to serial...
Powering the phone...
MCU SW version: V 6.41
(c) NMP
HW version: 0676
PCI version:
UEM version: 1092
UPP version: 8705
RFIC version: 0300
DSP version: TB2.14-@
LCD version: s6b33a0
PPM version: V 6.41
(c) NMP
ADSP SW version: V 6.41\n09-01-06\nRH-59\n(c) NMP\n2600\nqe_1
Production serial number: 7C2667986
Product code: 0518417
Module code: 0202415
Basic production code: 0516271
Flash code:
Order number:
Product specific data:
Long production SN:
Default SN type:
IMEI plain: 358808004415711
IMEI spare to net: 3A 85 08 08 40 14 75 01
IMEI SV to net: 33 85 08 08 40 14 75 21 F2
Master Code: 6415471414
Phone type: RH-59, Software version: 6.41, Language Pack: QE
User code: ?#
Block 1:
Lock 1: OPEN Lock 2: OPEN Lock 3: OPEN Lock 4: OPEN Lock 5: OPEN
Block 2:
Lock 1: OPEN Lock 2: OPEN Lock 3: OPEN Lock 4: OPEN Lock 5: OPEN
Block 3:
Lock 1: OPEN Lock 2: OPEN Lock 3: OPEN Lock 4: OPEN Lock 5: OPEN
Block 4:
Lock 1: OPEN Lock 2: OPEN Lock 3: OPEN Lock 4: OPEN Lock 5: OPEN
Block 5:
Lock 1: OPEN Lock 2: OPEN Lock 3: OPEN Lock 4: OPEN Lock 5: OPEN
Block 6:
Lock 1: OPEN Lock 2: OPEN Lock 3: OPEN Lock 4: OPEN Lock 5: OPEN
Block 7:
Lock 1: OPEN Lock 2: OPEN Lock 3: OPEN Lock 4: OPEN Lock 5: OPEN
Searching for saved ini...
Checking for file C:\Program Files\ODEON\JAF\JAF_RH-59.ini
Saved INI not found, loading INI list...
Setting local mode...
Reading product code...
Product Code: 0518417
Checking path: C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RH-59\
Scanning for ini files...
MCU Flash file: C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RH-59\rh59_06.420
PPM Flash file: C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RH-59\rh59_06.42qe
CNT Flash file: C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RH-59\rh590_nai6.42qe_1
ADSP Flash file: NONE
APE Variant file: NONE
APE User Flash file: NONE
Languages in ppm: English,Chinese S,Chinese T
Changing flashing settings...
Setting local mode...
MCU Flash file: C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RH-59\rh59_06.420
PPM Flash file: C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RH-59\rh59_06.42me
CNT Flash file: C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RH-59\rh590_nai6.42me_2
ADSP Flash file: NONE
APE Variant file: NONE
APE User Flash file: NONE
Languages in ppm: English,Bahasa Ind,,Chinese S,Chinese T
Backing up PM Field 208 as RPL...
Setting local mode...
Reading IMEI...
Reading IMEI data...
IMEI data corrupt...
Failed to backup imei...
MCU: C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RH-59\rh59_06.420
Booting phone...
MCU ID: 0x2201
BOOT file: C:\Program Files\ODEON\JAF\Flash\u_2nd.fia
Loader version: 04.46.01 -> Revision: 0007
Boot size is 0x09A0
Boot is ready...
FLASH ID0: 2A7E0001 <=> SPANSION -> Type not in database Addr0: 0x01000000 - 0x01FFFFFF, SectorSize0: 10
FLASH ID1: 00010000 <=> Flash -> not used Addr1: 0x02000000 - 0x02FFFFFF, SectorSize1: 0
First 16 bytes: AD 7E B6 1A 1B BE 0B E2 7D 58 6B E4 DB EE 65 14
Flash ID is 0x7E2A0100
Flash loader is C:\Program Files\ODEON\JAF\Flash\u_amd.fia
Loader version: 04.46.01 -> Revision: 0007
Loader size is 0x7518; Loader chk: c6
Loader is ready...
P-key nokia module version 01.02
MSID: 841AD91E4F2BA9CEEE30C07A05
MSID decoded: 3E4EBAE900DE4B02A8000000
FAID: 033771905D697BC0C354B98D
Operation took 0 minutes 8 seconds...
Found 5 interval(s) to erase
Erasing area: 01000000 - 0100FFFF...
Erasing area: 01010000 - 013AFFFF...
Erasing area: 013B0000 - 013EFFFF...
Erasing area: 017B0000 - 017EFFFF...
Erasing area: 01FB0000 - 01FEFFFF...
Operation took 0 minutes 31 seconds...
Perm. Data Restore OK
Operation took 0 minutes 10 seconds...
Restarting MCU...
PPM: C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RH-59\rh59_06.42me
Booting phone...
MCU ID: 0x2201
BOOT file: C:\Program Files\ODEON\JAF\Flash\u_2nd.fia
Loader version: 04.46.01 -> Revision: 0007
Boot size is 0x09A0
Boot is ready...
FLASH ID0: 2A7E0001 <=> SPANSION -> Type not in database Addr0: 0x01000000 - 0x01FFFFFF, SectorSize0: 10
FLASH ID1: 00010000 <=> Flash -> not used Addr1: 0x02000000 - 0x02FFFFFF, SectorSize1: 0
First 16 bytes: AD 7E B6 1A 1B BE 0B E2 7D 58 6B E4 DB EE 65 14
Flash ID is 0x7E2A0100
Flash loader is C:\Program Files\ODEON\JAF\Flash\u_amd.fia
Loader version: 04.46.01 -> Revision: 0007
Loader size is 0x7518; Loader chk: c6
Loader is ready...
P-key nokia module version 01.02
MSID decoded: 3E4EBAE900DE4B02A9000000
FAID: 2A33DAB63034BA056C2CD2C2
Operation took 0 minutes 8 seconds...
Erasing PPM...
Found 2 interval(s) to erase
Erasing area: 011B0000 - 011BFFFF...
Erasing area: 011C0000 - 0136FFFF...
Operation took 0 minutes 14 seconds...
Perm. Data Restore OK
Operation took 0 minutes 6 seconds...
Restarting MCU...
CNT: C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RH-59\rh590_nai6.42me_2
Booting phone...
MCU ID: 0x2201
BOOT file: C:\Program Files\ODEON\JAF\Flash\u_2nd.fia
Loader version: 04.46.01 -> Revision: 0007
Boot size is 0x09A0
Boot is ready...
FLASH ID0: 2A7E0001 <=> SPANSION -> Type not in database Addr0: 0x01000000 - 0x01FFFFFF, SectorSize0: 10
FLASH ID1: 00010000 <=> Flash -> not used Addr1: 0x02000000 - 0x02FFFFFF, SectorSize1: 0
First 16 bytes: AD 7E B6 1A 1B BE 0B E2 7D 58 6B E4 DB EE 65 14
Flash ID is 0x7E2A0100
Flash loader is C:\Program Files\ODEON\JAF\Flash\u_amd.fia
Loader version: 04.46.01 -> Revision: 0007
Loader size is 0x7518; Loader chk: c6
Loader is ready...
P-key nokia module version 01.02
MSID decoded: 3E4EBAE900DE4B02A9000000
FAID: 2A33DAB63034BA056C2CD2C2
Operation took 0 minutes 9 seconds...
Erasing Content Pack...
Found 1 interval(s) to erase
Erasing area: 01370000 - 013AFFFF...
Operation took 0 minutes 2 seconds...
Perm. Data Restore OK
Operation took 0 minutes 1 seconds...
Restarting MCU...
Operation took 0 minutes 0 seconds...
Flashing Done!
Operation took 1 minutes 40 seconds...
After flash processing...
Waiting for phone to boot...
Phone type: RH-59, Software version: 6.42
IMEI: 358808004415711
Product Code: 0518417
Resetting PPC...
Setting test mode...
Operation took 0 minutes 5 seconds...
Setting test mode...
Resetting USER DATA...
Operation took 0 minutes 0 seconds...
Setting test mode...
Resetting LEAVE FACTORY...
Operation took 0 minutes 0 seconds...
Setting test mode...
Operation took 0 minutes 0 seconds...
Setting test mode...
Operation took 0 minutes 1 seconds...
Setting test mode...
Operation took 0 minutes 0 seconds...
Powering the phone...
IMEI: 358808004415711
SW version: 6.42
Checking locks...
Block 1:
Lock 1: OPEN Lock 2: OPEN Lock 3: OPEN Lock 4: OPEN Lock 5: OPEN
Block 2:
Lock 1: OPEN Lock 2: OPEN Lock 3: OPEN Lock 4: OPEN Lock 5: OPEN
Block 3:
Lock 1: OPEN Lock 2: OPEN Lock 3: OPEN Lock 4: OPEN Lock 5: OPEN
Block 4:
Lock 1: OPEN Lock 2: OPEN Lock 3: OPEN Lock 4: OPEN Lock 5: OPEN
Block 5:
Lock 1: OPEN Lock 2: OPEN Lock 3: OPEN Lock 4: OPEN Lock 5: OPEN
Block 6:
Lock 1: OPEN Lock 2: OPEN Lock 3: OPEN Lock 4: OPEN Lock 5: OPEN
Block 7:
Lock 1: OPEN Lock 2: OPEN Lock 3: OPEN Lock 4: OPEN Lock 5: OPEN
DCT4 unlock counter: 365
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